Pinus roxburghii
English: Chir Pine
Sanskrit/Indian: Sarala
Russian: Сосна роксбурга

General information:
The Turpentine Oil obtained from Chir Pine is valued in medicine as a rubefacient in various rheumatic ailments, such as lumbago, arthritis and neuralgia. The oil is also a key ingredient in many ointments, liniments and lotions for treating minor aches and pains and colds when applied externally on the chest and throat.
The essential oil from the plant contains the principal compounds alpha- and beta-pinene, carene and longifoline, which render the herb its therapeutic properties.
- The oil is a decongestant that clears up the respiratory tract when applied topically.
- Chir Pine oil has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a perfect remedy for joint aches and pains.